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The Self-Realization Teacher Training

According to the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh

By the Golden Link School 

Taught by Hari Singh and Hari Nam Kaur

Overview of The Self-Realization Teacher Training program

Based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh, this Self-Realization Teacher Training program unlocks the depths of your being, leading you through a profound journey of the self.

“Arrive at a state of silence where you can observe the universe flow and project your meditative mind to uplift others.” – Guru Dev Singh

This advanced humanology program is based on a lifetime of research by Guru Dev Singh, investigating and teaching Yogi Bhajan tools. This is how we walk in their footsteps and reach our fullest potential, prosperity, and harmonious living.

This comprehensive program blends online and offline modules, mastering rebirthing practices, mentorship guidance for students, a large community, homework, journaling, Guru Dev Singh’s classes, and a continuous practicing system where we have the chance to every day uplift ourselves.

Main Teachers

Hari Singh and Hari Nam Kaur have been practicing more than 45 years of Kundalini Yoga. ​​Under Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh’s guidance.


Upon completing the two-year program, you receive the recognised Golden Lotus Flower certification from The Golden Link School®.​​

The Teachings

This is the ideal setup, with all modules offered online except for one in-person module in year 1 and year 2.​​​​

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Designed for busy lives, this flexible, hybrid program guides you through ancient teachings and practical wisdom, supported by expert instructors and a nurturing community. 

First year

6 modules

350 hours

In-depth ancient knowledge


Receive your certificate upon completion of year 1 & 2

Complete course overview

Year 1

Module 1

The 10 bodies

Module 2

The Chakras

Module 3

The Pranic Energy

Module 4

The Arcline

Module 5

Universal Energies

Module 6

The Gunas

Module overview

Realization of the Perceptive Process

Explore the flow of Prana, your vital life force, by opening your energy channels (Nadis). Learn how this vital energy influences your life through your own electromagnetic field.

Realize the presence of your 10 bodies, each contributing to your overall well-being. Learn how they work together to enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual harmony.

Unlock the full potential of your Chakras through ancient wisdom, enhancing awareness, and elevating Kundalini energy for profound spiritual and physical health.

Deepen your understanding of life’s energetic pathways by exploring your Chakras and Arc Line, ultimately enhancing your aura and achieving spiritual and energetic balance.

Explore foundational cosmic and human energies in this module, which focuses on the five Tattvas—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether—and their corresponding human qualities. Dive into the three Gunas, understanding their role in shaping existence and influencing behavior.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understand the Five Tattvas
  • Recognize Behavioral Patterns
  • Achieve Balance and Harmony

The 3 Gunas are the three qualities of all manifest existence: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.  Sattva is the energy of creative potential, essence, and light.  Rajas is the energy of movement, activity, and vitality.  Tamas is the energy of inertia.

Module 1
The 10 bodies 

Module 2
The Chakras 

Module 3 
The Pranic Energy

Module 4
The Arcline

Module 5
The Universal Energies

Module 6
The Universal Energies

Year 2

Year 2 - part one:
Realization of the self

Year 2 - part two
Realization of the Silent Space

The Contemplative Mind:

Module 1: Rebirth and Renewal: Detoxifying Mind and Body, Resolving Karma.

Module 2: Mastering Mindfulness: Using the Contemplative Mind to Navigate Challenges.

Module 3: Elevating Relationships: Embracing Self-Realization for Lasting Happiness


Module 4: Enhanced Awareness: Awakening Service to Self and Humanity

Module 5: Mastering Your Space: Internal Control and External Influence

Module 6: Expanding Influence: Projecting the Meditative Mind to Uplift Others

The Official Certification

After completion of both years (12 modules totalling 700 hours),  you will receive the Prestigious Gold Certification, a testament to your successful completion of The Official Self-Realization teacher training.

🪷Year 1: Realization of the Perceptive Process

🪷Year 2: The Contemplative Mind 

Want to join an individual module?

You can attend any module in The Self-Realization training. Each module offers unique insights and practices, letting you customize the training to fit your schedule and areas of interest. 

Enjoy this flexible and enriching journey of self-discovery, consciousness, and spiritual growth.

About the school

For more than 10 years, we have been teaching world wide in the purest way the legacy of Yogi Bhajan Singh and Guru Dev Singh. So that we all may merge and realize the self.

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About the teachers

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years of teaching

Hari Nam Kaur

Her journey initiated at the age of 4, mirroring her mother's pioneering spirit as a yoga teacher in Amsterdam, leading Hari Nam into the realm of Hatha Yoga. Growing up in an environment of healers and shamans, she honed her craft in potent crystal healing, hands-on methodologies, magnetism, and craniosacral therapy, amongst others.

The age of 6 marked her entrance into the realms of philosophy, Sanskrit, Indian dance, and meditation. At 23, she met Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh, beginning an intensive 25-year passage through the realms of Sat Nam Rasayan and Kundalini Yoga, guided by them and sharing their global journeys.,

Hari Singh

Hari, hailing from a lineage of hereditary healers, commenced his studies with Yogi Bhajan at the age of 14, serving and being personally trained by Guru Dev Singh devotedly for 40 years. Hari’s bond with Guru Dev Singh and Yogi Bhajan was akin to that of a foster-son.

Trained as a powerful healer and advanced shaman, Hari honed his skills with shamans in the jungle with his wife Hari Nam and their two kids. Together with Guru Jagat, Hari co-owns a thriving Ayurvedic tea company and travels worldwide. His life consists of healing, teaching, and leading the Kundalini Surhjee and Reman Japas.

Over the years

may the light shine within you

Start your Self-Realization
Teacher Training journey